A question that comes up a lot is about recurrence of breech pregnancies. So here is some research carried out in New South Wales, Australia.
Overall occurrence of breeches for first pregnancies is shown as 4.2%,and this study shows that it increases to 9.9% in mums with one previous breech baby, and to 27.5% in mums with two previous breeches. Which still means that you are always more likely to have a head-first baby than another breech…
First pregnancy factors associated with subsequent breech presentation in a second pregnancy were placenta praevia, maternal diabetes, baby birthweight for gestational age, maternal age of 35 years or over and caesarean delivery.
Interestingly the overall rates for breech pregnancies decrease in subsequent pregnancies (from 4.2% for a first baby, to 2.2% for a second and 1.9% for a third), with an overall measured rate of 3.4%