How does it feel to be left with no option but a c-section for breech when you planned a home birth?
“I spent every day I had a breech baby trying to turn her–and my mind–around. I would wake in the morning, remember I was headed toward cesarean, and cry in my bed. One day my two year old lay next to me, put her hands on either side of my face and said, solemnly, “Sad Mama.” Sad, indeed. And confused, lonely, and very stressed.”
“I don’t have the answers. Especially not for you. I do believe it should be easier to find information, and that there should be more choices in childbirth. It’s not OK that breech is an automatic cesarean when even ACOG recommends vaginal breech birth in select cases. In cases of surprise breech, it’s not OK that no one knows what to do. Someone as highly trained as an obstetrician should be able to handle such things. They can’t do so by training exclusively on pelvic models, although that would be a start. Someone has to have a vaginal breech birth for them to witness. Someone has to be at that birth as the expert attending. And someone has to have a breech baby and want that birth.”